"EPA" PFAS Drinking Water Treatment Technologies

Below is from a webinar offered by the EPA.   

"EPA evaluated technologies and has studies that demonstrate effective removal of all regulated PFAS.  EPA has identified the following as best available technologies."

Granular Activated Carbon   (GAC)

Anion Exchange (AIX)

Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO)

The above three are great for point of use, but not for point of distribution.

So back to my earlier blog.  Why would the EPA recommend solutions that would be ideal for an individual home, but just about impossible for a large municipal water district to achieve.  So what do we do?

The recommended technology is ideal for individual homes.  Taking control of the responsibility of our own water quality is the best way to ensure the quality of our water.  Some one told me and it makes sense, "if your water is not organic, then you are defeating the purpose."


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